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Black/Red Angus, Hereford and Composite semen sires available.
Ichthys Cattle Enterprise, or ICE Cattle, exists at the pleasure of God and by His grace. We make this confession because we want to acknowledge God in all of our ways and bring glory to Him. We cannot, in word or deed, adequately testify to the goodness God has shown to us…but we aim to. May the Gospel of Christ be clear in our words and our deeds. Our purpose at ICE Cattle is to glorify God. God is worthy of praise even when our temporal circumstances make our flesh feel otherwise.
At ICE Cattle we aim to be different for a purpose…that purpose being the glory of God, which we believe cannot be done with anything less than our highest effort to produce the best cattle possible.
The ICE vision is to graze our cattle year round. We believe that cattle eating forage that is still attached to the soil is the most efficient and effective (and profitable) way to manage them.
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