Our next sale will be at 11:00 AM on Friday, December 8, at the Ichthys headquarters.
For more information:
Phone: 402-984-6375
Email: [email protected]
Eligibility to Bid: In order to bid you will need to register with Superior Productions or with Ichthys Cattle Enterprise prior to the sale. We require that everyone be able to pay through an ACH transfer (electronic funds transfer). There is a copy of the page with the information needed for this type of payment in the following pages. You may bid via Superior through click to bid or with a phone representative or you can bid in person at the sale. Superior will clerk the sale on site.
Directions: From Guide Rock, NE: One mile north of G.R. is the intersection of Hwys. 136 and 78. From that intersection drive 3 miles west on Hwy. 136 to Road 1900. Turn north and drive 5 miles to Road M, you will see a large white building to the east, that is where the auction will be. From Red Cloud, NE: Drive 7 miles east on Hwy. 136 to Road 1900. Turn north and drive 5 miles to Road M. You will see a large white building (auction site) to the east. If you are coming south on Hwy 78 you can turn west on Road N (8 miles south of Hwy 4), drive 3 miles on gravel to 1900 then turn south and drive 1 mile to Road M. The auction will be held in a relatively new multi-purpose building on our place.
Viewing: The bulls and bred heifers will be penned and ready for viewing at our facility on December 7th. Each animal will have an ID number and a blue lot number. The animals will sell in lot number order. The animals will not leave the pens during the sale. We will show a video of each animal during the sale. If you want to see the animals in advance of the 7th please contact us and make an appointment, we would be happy to oblige.
Auction Format: We will have a cowboy style auction. Though this format still moves very quickly you will not hear a bunch of chatter that you can’t understand or have ring men yelling at you when there is a bid. There will be no rafter bids. Every bred heifer lot has a base price listed in the sale catalog. The auctioneer will offer the heifer at the base price. If you are registered to bid you will receive a bidding card. If you are interested in the heifer please raise your card while the heifer is for sale. If the auctioneer exceeds your bid price put your card down. If you are the last person with your card in the air you have won the bid for the heifer.
Motel Accommodations: The closest towns with motel accommodations are Red Cloud (Green Acres 402-746-2201), Blue Hill (Blue Hill Motel 402-756-3901) and Superior (Victorian Inn 402-879-3245). For a wider range of options in lodging and dining you are welcome to look into accommodations in Hastings, Grand Island and Kearney.
Reference Sires: Following is a list of sires, their breed and their registration number. These sires are, for the most part, either the sires of the heifers themselves or are what the heifers were A.I.ed to and/or cleaned up with. You are certainly welcome to go to each breed association and look up the pedigree if you desire.
Hereford: Domino Plato Rupert 42965967, King Ten 42921743, 4013 bull (Sustainable Genetics, SC) 43071418, 123 bull
24046601, Beck 43623313
Black Angus: Rebel 15192082, Brute 16879507, Mojo 16777360, High Point 17195302, Beral 15600072, Sure Bet 17424192, High Roller 17195299, Pety 18044453,
Red Angus: Johnny B. Good 1065904, Action Jack 1690480, Super Pud 1354840, Short Cut 794618, Colorado Chunky 872901, Colorado Hobo 541060, Magua 14525898, Center Stage
1062583, Jack 1555121, Bentley 1684906, Cow Chaser 1723602
Composite: Elijah, Cowboy Magic, Smitty, Pale Face
Breeding Dates: The heifers were A.I. bred the first week of August and cleaned up until the end of September. The will calve in May-June.
Calving Ease, Disposition, Fleshing Ability: We are looking for perfect 10’s, but sometimes a great 8 will do. We have rated each animal according to what we think are accurate descriptions of their ability to calve easy or throw easy calving females, to be gentle and to be able to flesh on forage. We guarantee the calving ease of every heifer we sell and many of our bulls are guaranteed for calving ease. So, what does that mean? We think every heifer we sell should be able to calve unassisted. However, in practice we know that doesn’t happen, absolutely, in every instance. In our operation if we have to assist a heifer at calving she is culled from the herd. We would recommend checking the heifers at least twice/day as we do. We calve on grass and check them in the morning, at noon and in the evening. You could obviously check them more often if you want. For our guarantee, if you check your heifers at least twice/day and have an issue we are willing to pay the vet call. If you take care of the issue yourself we will pay you the equivalent of a vet call. Every heifer has bred in calving ease and is bred to a calving ease bull. We don’t like problems in this area and don’t want you to deal with them either.
Disposition is important to us. We have 7 children, some very small, and we simply don’t allow wild cattle at our place. We think this group of heifers, overall, has the best dispositions of any we’ve had, the same goes for fleshing ability.
All heifers were ultrasound preg checked and their bred status is listed in the comments.
Frame Scores: We have measured the hip height of every bull and heifer and of most of their dams. We used a frame score chart which factors in age to determine the frame score of each sale animal and most of the momma cows to within ½ of a score.
Delivery: Though we don’t offer delivery we would be happy to help buyers get together to combine loads. We do offer a mileage discount if you pull a trailer to the sale.
Holding Cattle Over: If it will take you or your transportation a day or two to get here please let us know and we will aim to work something out.
We have made preparations to bid and buy livestock through Superior Productions’ “Call or Click-To-Bid” service for those unable to attend in person on sale day. Please note that all of the lots in the sale will also be available for viewing online prior to sale day at www.superiorlivestock.com.
Turn in Bids Over the Phone. This is our traditional method of buying livestock. To get started simply go online to www.superiorlivestock.com and click on the tab titled “Register for a Buyer Number”. Select the registration form for Superior Productions and print the registration form, fill it out and fax it in to Superior Productions at (817) 378-3380 with a signature on it, or scan and email the form to [email protected]. You can also mail it in to the address provided on the form. Upon receipt of this information Superior will call you with a buyer’s number and the bid line phone number that you will use on sale day to place bids over the phone.
Click-To-Bid. This is Superior’s online bidding platform for cattle buying. Please note that high speed internet is required – this is not for dial-up or satellite internet. Registration is free, but you must become a member of www.superiorclicktobid.com to sign up. Becoming a member is easy – just go to the homepage of www.superiorclicktobid.com and follow the out-lined steps to get started. Input your information and select a username and password. You will receive an e-mail confirming you are a member. From that point forward you just have to sign in and select the sale you would like to register for and once approved you will receive an e-mail confirming which sale you are now registered for.
Viewing the Auction. There are 2 places to view the sale broadcast live on the internet: www.superiorlivestock.com or www.superiorclicktobid.com. Just go to the home page of either website and select the auction. If you just want to watch the auction on your computer, smartphone or tablet go to www.superiorlivestock.com, but if you want to bid over the computer you must go to www.superiorclicktobid.com. Remember you can call in to bid on the internet, but you must be a member of www.superiorclicktobid.com to “click-to-bid”. Your computer must have Flash Media Player installed for this website to view the auction. If you have any questions, please call the Superior Productions office at 800-431-4452.
*If you plan to bid by phone through Superior Livestock or ‘Click-to-Bid’, you must register at www.superiorlivestock.com prior to bidding.