
Hello All: Please bear with me: You should only have to endure one or two more updates before the sale on March 9! If you have any questions about any part of the process please, let us know. Sight Unseen Bidding: Ashley will again be in charge of SUS bids. Please contact her at...
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Hello All: What you will find in ICE cattle: Cattle genetically bred and relentlessly developed to produce sires for herds that want cattle that can run in a low input environment without all the conventional props, most specifically protein supplementation (including alfalfa hay) or grain/silage. People who buy our cattle want good momma cows. After...
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Hello All: Sale info. is up at both and The bulls and heifers are grazing a pivot quarter of stockpiled sorghum sudan (1/2 pivot) and cornstalks (other ½). You are welcome to come see them at any time but at the moment we would need to provide you with an ATV to get...
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Hello All: Creepin’: Eric Church has a song called “Creepin’”…that’s kinda how I feel regarding our sale date coming up on March 9. It’s creepin’ up on us! Read to the bottom of this update to learn about some ICE cows for sale. Trials: James 1:2-4 “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various...
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Hello All: As I type this, Ashley and Brett and the Greenhalgh kid crew are videoing sale heifers. We preg. checked last week and, once again, God has provided in a way that’s hard for me to believe. I will comment on the preg. check results below. We aim to bring the bulls home next...
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Hello All: The grain is in the elevator, time to think about spreading manure and cattle operations. 2023, on many fronts, has been the most challenging year of my life. Regarding the farm and cattle, it has been possibly our 2nd driest year ever. 2000 and 2012 were as dry or drier, 2002 was our...
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